I first heard about Turtles All the Way Down via Steve Kirsch when I first arrived on Substack in 2022. We were all shuttled here after following Robert Malone as we looked for any "Jabs Bad" Expert to buttress what we saw with the Covid shots, and Malone appeared on Joe Rogan to 50m views.

Malone, Kirsch, and Bret Weinstein were promoting Ivermectin as a prophylactic for "Covid" in "How to Save the World" podcast on June 9, 2021. Kirsch is the one who started a Super-Pac to get RFK, Jr. to run for President. He is a long time DNC megadonor and was conscripted into a DARPA internet program at age 12.

In 2017, Robert Malone during the Zika purported pandemic, Bob Malone was already floating how to use anti-virals as a "vaccine".

2017: “…if a drug could be administered prophylactically, like a VACCINE…”


Tess Lawrie's World Council for Health started a World Ivermectin Day, and on that page highlights an Australian Cancer Research team at Monash University that allegedly isolated the Covid Virus and then found that Ivermectin "eliminated the virus in cell culture" (monkey kidney cells and fetal calf serum).

This was done very early in 2020 before the "pandemic" had even taken off.

Ivermectin was written into the script very early. Too early.

Fascinating research.


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I'm very confused. You confuse me so much. Because I'm easily confused.

So is this book, which I fricken bought, legit in its content despite who may or may nor have written it?

You're like Mannix, Kojack, Magnum, Rockford, Richard Diamond, Sam Spade and Inspector Gadget all rolled into one. When are you going to put all these posts into one big book? At this pace, it'll have more words than Joyce and Tolstoy combined.

Yours confusedly,


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My Deep Thoughts:

1. My initial hunch about the book is: I don't know about the science, but I do strongly suspect that the Dangerous Germs Paradigm has been weaponized as an Invisible Man cudgel to murder the world under "ostensible reasons".

As described in the Day Tapes, which as you well know are covered extensively on my Stack and I won't spam them here after bringing the last vestiges of curiosity into HorseWorld.

2. CHD is almost certainly long captured, and may have been planned long in advance as a Tier Two Runoff of Goody Minders for the long planned "pandemic" operations. (Highwire and Bigtree are starting to look the same and Bigtree and the Kennedys do connect up the chain through a designer Oleg Cassini (Gret Wyatt) as do Weinstein family and the Kennedys.

It was clear early on that Kirsch, et. al. were willing to give up Jabs Bad with Antivirals Good waiting in the wings. And Pandemic Real. Dangerous Germs are a constant threat that will require access to the bodies to control the population and ultimately surveil them cradle to grave. The War on Terror IS the The War on Germs. Both are endless and unwinnable and false flagged beyond belief.

3. I think that Vaccines have not been properly tested with controls is accurate. And that Antivirals have not been properly tested with controls is also accurate. And Virus Isolation has also not been properly tested with controls. And infectiousness has not been properly tested with controls.

4. I gather the author is finding a Russian bogeyman behind the curtain. This would be a current day "lefty" theory. The Chinese bogeyman behind the curtain would be a current day "righty" theory. This is the binary world of Psy Oppery that we live. The Israel angle remains the one that both fake sides of a political paradigm seem reluctant to address.

Will make a post of this so as not to take over this board.

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Listening earlier today to Alison McDowell on how RFK Jr wants to blockchain healthcare, incl alternative healing modalities.

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I am skeptical of vaccines of course but equally skeptical of magic bullet cures. An author's past affiliations, credentials or lack thereof, nationality et cetera are not as important to me as their message. As many people have parasitic infections unaddressed as a cause of a weakened immune system manifesting in symptoms it makes sense to me that an anti parasitic such as IVM would help many of them. Meanwhile though animal studies show it has fertility reducing effects which I believe Jennifer Depew really dug into. Anecdotally my antivax lawyer uncle was taking IVM when he was sick and he become more unwell and ultimately ended up in the hospital with part of his foot amputated due to diabetic induced gangrene. Like all drugs and therapeutics this is not one size fits all medecine and as a means of muddying the water couldn't they also poison the cure as it were? Ultimately the big cures insofar as they exist would be at a frequency level...

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The Op is to maintain access to your body with drugs.

Injectable Ivermectin is in the pipeline.

Just keep taking drugs at all times. Take something. Must. Take. Something.

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Ivermectin is actually a weak neurotoxin. It paralyses the pharynx of wee beasties making them unable to eat and they die (*if* you have them, which is actually quite rare in the urban 1st world). At high enough doses it might do something similar to humans. If you've ever heard RFK Jr talk you'll know what I mean.

(Jokes, jokes!)

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Yup. It's also a p-glycoprotein inhibitor which allows drugs to stay in the body longer. And cockroach poison.

My sense is:

IVM is the secondary Mass Formation "Solution" to the dubious "Problem" of a novel virus allegedly spreading and murdering the world.

A long-planned Problem long foreshadowed with Fear Movies and Dubious Science and models and...

Horse, are you familiar with the Day Tapes?

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Doesn't matter if it's legit...you are better off avoiding all vaccines and mRNA poisons.

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That’s neither here nor there and it’s certainly your right.

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I think you are confused about what Stack you are on.

I have not read Turtles All the Way Down and this is a Stack that I learned about via watching Housatonic.

My detective search has been split btwn *The Science and *The Operation with a strong bias towards *The Operation.

JD, it appears that you are still waiting for someone to tell you what to think or believe, and I cannot provide that for you as I literally just started examining the shots in 2021 based on *The Operation which was an obvious propaganda lie on a massive scale.

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Oh I know what I think and believe. It's just that this post threw a new wench into the whole sordid wild saga with the book.

I told you I was easily confused.

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Yeah...sorry, JD. 🤛

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I believe there is a misunderstanding regarding how viruses are isolated and required to replicate in specific cell types that do not contain immune system cells which fight viruses off.

Vero cells, first isolated from an African Green Monkey kidney in 1962 by Yasumura and Kawakita intrinsically contain a deletion in type I interferon genes so cannot produce interferon alpha or beta, making them more susceptible to viral infection.

Basically, science is admitting, if you are immunodeficient, it is easier to become severely infected with a virus.

Type I interferons have been typically studied for their effects in the context of bacterial or viral infections.

Interferon-alpha (IFN-α) expressing cells are present in the thymus but not in the periphery. The highest level of MxA induced by INF-a is expressed in mature thymocytes. (Link below)

I feel thymus hormones ability to cure children and adults with chronic, deadly viral infections is invaluable and research on children with chronic infections in my thymus books, pictures of their disfiguring lesions, isolating the virus from lesions of hemorrhagic chicken pox, viral encephalitis, lesions on their mouth and face, it is more proof they know and knew when they used vero kidney cells what they were really doing is admitting what ails people who cannot recover from infections. They studied these chronically infected childrens immune system and saw they did not form proper immune responses to viruses. My thymus books lists studies on children and describes how antivirals are toxic to the immune system. So why do they still use them? They are trying to kill us, make us chronically sick patients.

As for ivermectin, they changed the label on it from safe to toxic in early 2020, possibly in preparation of the pandemic, so they could say it is toxic. Ivermectin day was made so people could tell their stories of success with it. I got on Tess's site to tell our stories. Ivermectin is an extract of soil bacteria which increases good gut bacteria, reduces inflammation.

Personally, I think people want to find something to demonize. My son was just in the hospital on and off for weeks with pneumonia. Antibiotics and meds saved his life. Probiotics helped him recover. Ivermectin isnt like antibiotics though it actually increases good gut bacteria.

Why did they study ivermectin early in the pandemic? Maybe because it had already shown activity against similar viruses. Maybe they were looking for repurposed drugs to save lives?


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Thank you so much for explaining all this! And I've always wondered How whoever chose this certain soil from said Japanese golf course, knew where to look! But it is so heinous that they used those green monkey cells that they Knew wouldn't give protection by way of immune action. Planned.

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Jul 8Liked by Horse

I’m sad ivermectin seems to be trap #2a. At least you are throwing a light on it.

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well, Sage, I was disappointed to see that only paid subscribers can comment on your posts now? Will that be all of your posts or just selected ones?

Maybe you have seen the wisdom of taking the Dane Wigington route?

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Occasionally I write a paid post to reward those who do support my Stack.

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I am a free subscriber and do not have any aversion to the crumbs under the table or gems of information. Thanks those gems and crumbs are indeed food for thought. Again I thank you.

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ok. Good idea. People gotta eat.

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I recall while reading the "Turtles" book that someone said it might have been written by Israeli doctors. So be it, I don't care. The book further supported my over 50 year long crusade to avoid all vaccines and mRNA injections. I was anti-vax before it became popular but no matter, I am still alive and well without using any of big pharmatard's poisons.

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I don’t really care who wrote it. Virology, immunology and epidemiology have been exposed as mostly fraudulent train wrecks. The health authorities rolled out “mRNA products” with CIA-links (since you love intelligence) and subsequent inspection of vials proves there is no RNA (little to no nitrogen or phosphorus) but there are tons of metals with conductive properties. Time to put those sleuthing skills to good use!

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Long haul to get through but it only confirms to me why investigations into the conspiratorial nature of much of the last 2 decades is called for. Then you realize with Katherine Watt that this layup was more likely generations in planning and in it's execution.

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Can you elaborate?

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Frances Leader Rome 2.0. I will find the link if you are interested... there is tons more info about this basic idea but I have trouble with the really complicated ones.

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We should investigate things of conspiratorial nature. Especially intelligence, military and biotech, right? Right!??!

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Look at the works of the early 20th century Fabians like Russell and Wells if you want to see a 100 year old plan.

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The only thing I know about the Fabians was that George Bernard Shaw was one and he was a pretty neat writer. Why, what have they done?

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There may be a little bit of that pesky mis-information [an unformed contract] coming from [supposedly] well-meaning non-WHO peoples, that gather moss for the rolling stone of public awareness.

But, the outright lies [intentional dis-information = Fraud] from the medical establishment is far more dangerous to the continuance of humanity.

'IT' was never Safe nor Effective. Their own literature shows this.

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Interesting read. I don't doubt that there some hyperbole on the effectiveness of COVID early treatment drugs, but I can also understand the reason or rational - drastic containment measures and experimental shot mandates. Maybe early treatment is overblown, but then again so was the lethality of the virus. I am fan of sequenced multi-drug therapy, especially in the absence of alternatives given the government and medical establishment decided that no treatment was better than any treatment early on in an infection. Then when a person was admitted to the hospital, they administered treatment that almost guaranteed death - ventilators, Remdesivir, and others. Maybe a Russian or Israeli intelligence or oligarch backed faction is behind the anti-vax movement. Maybe their position has merit without the hyperbole, given the abject corruption in the pharma-government medical complex. The fact remains that overall, people would have been better off getting sick and recovering than being compelled to lock-down and take an ineffective and in many cases deadly shot. Maybe the Marxists would not have been able to take charge if the people would have pushed back appropriately. This is an information war and there is deception on all sides.

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I think a lot of that stuff has been better covered and debated by other people, whichever side you happen to land on. I'm certainly no scientist, but I did have to train myself to read scientific literature in order to understand what I was seeing re: ivermectin.

I'm trying to do something a little different with this Substack. It may not be to everyone's taste, but so it goes. Thanks for reading!

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Jul 3Liked by Horse

Very interesting! Thank you! Well written! 😊

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Israeli. It's so odd they are seemingly always involved in shenanigans. All the time, everywhere. Coincidences. Lots of coincidences.

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Jul 6Liked by Horse

It’s all about herding the herd in the directions they want while making money from alternative drugs and treatments.

Top priority is never getting to the root problem and improving health properly, it’s always about a sticking plaster to create a market that makes money.

I’ve no idea if ivermectin works or not as I’ve never taken it and the whole black balling of it reminded me of the early toilet rampage buying which was driven by fear thanks to the propaganda machine.

What better way to ramp up pharmas profits using Chinese whispers about a magic portioned being banned.

Call me cynical for smelling bullshit of pulling a flip and switch instead of concentrating on how people can attain and keep real health without constantly having to dip in their pockets.

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Jul 4Liked by Horse

Excellent research!

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Dang, I can't finish reading your next artickle on the ivm saga cause I'm not a paid sub. So interesting@!!

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Author

It's not a paid Substack so you shouldn't have any issues unless Substack is doing something weird. I think Stripe (Substack's payment partner) is a bit creepy so I won't monetise.

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Ok I'll try your substack. I was reading it on Sage's. Thank you so much!

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This article is exactly the reason why the authors remained anonymous (as specified in the preface)

What matters in this case is the information contained in it that dispels the illusion of safe and effective vaccines

Do you think it is more important that the book's story has some"anomalies" or that childhood vaccines are never tested against placebos, the manufacturers have zero liability, the vaccines are grown in animal spines, brains, pus, blood, monkey kidneys and testicles (including viruses, bacteria, toxins), human fetal tissue, that in vaccines are 40 ingredients, toxic metals and preservatives included, etc.?

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I broadly stayed away from discussing the book's contents (except when it comes to the similarities between the different "versions") for several reasons.

1. I'm not likely to change anyone's mind, nor am I interested in trying.

2. There may be some good points in the book. I can't say every word of it is wrong.

3. Other people do a better job of arguing about this stuff.

4. I'm trying to tell slightly different stories. If I hear one more boring pro-vaccine vs anti-vaccine debate I'll scream.

5. Talking about vaccines is boring.

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Well... I was with you until you said talking about vaccines is boring. Sounds like your 15years old "sooo boring" 🤷‍♀️

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Yeah talking about the mechanism used for the last fifty odd years to sicken and destroy the human population through ASD, infertility, a whole host autoimmune disorders, heart issues, and sudden death is a yawner. And the last four years of coerced submission to a death jab? Move on! BORING.

Not sure what this substack is about anymore.

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Yep...probably one of THE most important revelations that came out of the whole convid madness how vaccines are literally 'death by a thousand cuts' .... but nahhh let's not go there? 🤦‍♀️

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

What a lousy/dishonest detection job!

It took me all of 5 minutes to compare the contents sections of both books (both of them are on amazon) and realize those are two completely different texts.

Turtles all the way down: https://a.co/d/02hJXlL2

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate: https://a.co/d/0essTm11

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The version intended for an American audience ("Turtles") has been substantially edited by Mary Holland. Read them both side-by-side. You will, after a time, forget which one is which.

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That's funny as "To Vaccinate" is listed on amazon as 330 pages while "Turtles all the way down" is 518 pages.

So, Mary Holland added almost 200 pages by herself, and is still only named an editor? Any proof of that?

While at it, do you have any real proof amantonio authored both books?

Why don't you load the two contents sections to your post, let your readers see for themselves how you deceived them.

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It may be that Ulanovsky and Malenkovich actively participated in Turtles, but that's neither here nor there. The bones of the book are identical as is the thrust of every single argument made. Furthermore we are talking about a Hebrew original edition, a Russian second edition, an English edition of that work, and finally Turtles (we don't know how translation work was accomplished or by whom).

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Many AV books cover the same topics.

OK, so it's clear you have no real proof, just wild speculations.

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Find me another pair of paranoid Israeli authors then.

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You are a joke.

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Even after reading this entire article, it took so many twists, turns and tangents, I still don't know what it was trying to say.

Seems to be making a lot of loosely-related, extremely tenuous claims.

As do the other series of 5 nonsense filler articles on this brand new SS that doesn't follow anyone except a single generic account. Add in some minimal engagement for authenticity (5 likes total, all in the last 3 days) and name it 'Horse', then write an article disparaging Ivermectin, and casting aspersions on a well-respected and researched book examining vaccine harms.

Screams "manufactured account" to me.

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Manufactured by whom?

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Extremely confusing and weird post. So what if it’s the same book written by a “Russian” anti-vaxxer and reorganized and translated into English? Are the contents useful for explaining why ALL jabs are bad and all clinical trials are bogus?

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

They can't find any issues in the book's content, so they try to smear the supposed author (for which there isn't any credible evidence that he actually wrote 'Turtles', as his book is much different, based on the table of contents of the two books).

Bottom line, like Mary Holland wrote in the preface: they try to smear the author (authors?) as they can't smear the book.

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Indeed. Read the book. Decide for yourself. Supremely supported and cited.

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Author just admitted he’s “pro-vaccine” so there’s the reason he’s trying to cast aspersions on a book trying to help people avoid all the bio weapons. I’m very surprised SH is reposting such garbage.

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I broadly stayed away from discussing the book's contents (except when it comes to the similarities between the different "versions") for several reasons.

1. I'm not likely to change anyone's mind, nor am I interested in trying.

2. There may be some good points in the book. I can't say every word of it is wrong.

3. Other people do a better job of arguing about this stuff.

4. I'm trying to tell slightly different stories. If I hear one more boring pro-vaccine vs anti-vaccine debate I'll scream.

5. Talking about vaccines is boring.

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Considering that the “opp” was to get every human on the planet injected with these poisons/toxins, for a variety of reasons definitely worth exploring, it seems that discussing them and whether they should be taken EVER is one of the most important things to BE discussing. Hardly boring.

CHD and other medical freedom organization saved millions of lives during the Covid opp by simply providing the information necessary to reject the jabs, as well as supporting the thousands of lawsuits that pushed back on the mandates. I see no reason to attack those that actually did something when so many cowards did absolutely nothing. I also wonder why a pro-jabber would be on a stack that has spent the last three plus years calling out the slow roll genocide.

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No it really is boring. Because I've heard every word out of your mouth thousands, literally thousands of times. (I'm not trying to bully you, I hear the same rhetoric from pro-vaxxers also, we're just as bad.)

You have a theory, that's fine. You are entitled to it. I personally don't think it has panned out and a lot of mental gymnastics are required to continue to subscribe to it the further out in time we get. I'm looking at other explanations for things, and other stories to tell. You gotta keep up.

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The further out in time we get the more people —including AGs — are speaking out about the fraud in the “clinical trials” and the excess deaths that are becoming much harder to ignore. There are now inquiries in Australia, U.S, Philippines, Japan, etc. and five US states just announced multi state civil action against Pfizer. Whether this is all for “show” on the part of the officials, the reason it’s happening is due to public outcry because nearly every one knows someone who was injured. I certainly do. Maybe it’s YOU who needs to keep up.

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Damn, I fell for the C19 sites and used them to back up my posts. Suspicious last year or so. However, my urologist reckons 60% chance of prostate cancer and need a biopsy. I had planned taking Fenbendazole and Ivermectin alongside other stuff. Tippens protocol. Sigh!

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go ahead and use it. I will give you a link to how Heidi Heil cured her kid of melanoma using it. My brother is still suffering from the side effects of prostate cancer surgery 30 years later. just because a substance was used in the execution of a psyop does not mean it does not have value. look at where psychedelics are today!


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Thank you. The FenBen / IVM supplier seems legit so will go for it!

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Good luck! 🍀🙏🤞🍀

And don't forget iodine!

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Funny you should mention iodine. Apparently they are adding iodine salt to packet noodles aimed usually at 18 to whatever year olds or kids and it's funny because they allegedly help you cope with radioactive environments! Think about the draft DEMOGRAPHIC. Also, think about what's going to happen in WW3. But yes, we are genuinely deficient in iodine!

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See Robert Yoho Post on this health Issue. has more background info.

- https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/145-cindy-conquered-breast-cancer (i know it says 'breast'. 8 references to prostate issues in article)

- https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/252-when-heroes-are-needed-courageous (on iodine)

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Thank you

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Paul - research “luteolin” as a specific support for prostate cancer, harking back to other stuff and food vs drugs. Wikipedia will list foods “high in …” ; then also ALA here https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18008333/ ; good health to you!

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Thank you

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I'm sorry about your brother's suffering. 😪🙏💞

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Awww , thanks Heidi . He's mostly ok. just some area wide malfunction that's kind of common people our age anyway..

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I would still do the Tippens protocol. Sometimes the Scorpions do things that present unintended consequences. One consequence of the op is that some protocols emerged that are better than the big pHarma ones, based on results. 💕

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Thank you. The FenBen / IVM supplier seems legit so will go for it!

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In addition to info on Phar's and Heidi's substacks, you might want to check out the most recent substack post from "visceral adventure". Breast lump found cancerous in Jan/Feb and now reduced to about 50% of early size. IVM & FB & MB (mebendazole, in the fenben family of compounds) plus Tippens protocol plus Gersons protocol (her post will explain) and maybe more. If nothing else, shrinking a tumor pre-surgery (if you decide it's needed) should reduce the chances of negative consequences brought on by 'surgical misadventure'. Best of luck!

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Stay away from all soy etc re estrogens.

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It’s often hidden in bread etc. soy flour is a massive culprit.

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So now that i have scanned I- VII, and read the comments, it looks like Horse is attacking Pierre F Kory for advocating for early treatment with IVM? Not going along with the narrative? I still haven't seen any direct reference to Kory in the articles. What am I missing. So Horse's complaint about Kory is the same as the CDC's complaint about Kory, basically? Am I getting this right? And this is supposed to back up or justify Sage's months long attack on Kory as a tool of the WEF, part of a decades long plan to trash our fertility by advocating for this dangerous drug IVM?

Somewhere in these comments I noted that Kory's story parallels that of my fave veterinarian podcaster, Audrey DeClue.

Or, wait, Russia did it? Kory is pushing a Russian agenda? Which is...

Sorry, but I just watched something about the truth being simple and straighForward, and if the story was too convoluted that was an indication that it isn't true.

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